October 9, 2007

Ghosts of Halloween Costumes Past

Halloween is such a fun time of year! The kids love deciding
what they're going to dress up as and carefully planning it
out months in advance. Thankfully mine aren't too picky
and don't mind wearing reruns occasionally. And of course
there's the candy factor. They always get WAY more candy
than they ever need and seem to still have some around
until after Christmas, even after gorging themselves the first
couple of days after. My personal favorite is the little ditty
the kids sing around the house the whole month of October.
It goes something like this:

Trick or Treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
If you don't, I don't care
I'll pull down your underwear

A friend of mine posted past Halloween pics of her kids
and I thought I'd steal her idea and do the same.
(Thanks Merideth!)

Here we go...

Cameron as Dr. McDreamy

Cameron as a Bear
Cassidy as a Pumpkin Head
(for some reason we were lazy and didn't
get her a real costume.)

Cameron as a Bear (again)
Cassidy as a Glamour Girl

Cameron as a Knight in Shining Armour
Cassidy as a Renaissance Queen

Cameron as a Knight (again)
Cassidy as a Princess
Kennedy as a Chocolate Kiss

Matt as John Travolta
Cameron as a Jedi
Cassidy as a Rocker Chick (Loved that costume!)
Kennedy as a Cowgirl

Cameron as a Jedi (again)
Cassidy as a Cowgirl
Kennedy as a Bear
(Boy, we sure did our moneys worth
of the Bear costume!)