July 19, 2008

Wheelmobile in Sequim

One of our family traditions is to watch Wheel of Fortune together every night (well maybe not EVERY night). So when we heard the Wheelmobile was coming to town we thought it would be fun to go try out for the show. We drove over to Sequim which is about a 2 and a half hour trip. When we got there we wondered why we came. The chances of us getting on stage to try out were very slim, so when they pulled Matt's name out we were shocked. He got up there and did his thing but he didn't slove the puzzle. Thankfully that doesn't matter at this stage. The Wheelmobile is just a preliminary screening process before the final Wheel of Fortune contestant audition. As long as you fit their requirements for personality and demographic and you don't make silly mistakes like calling a letter that has already been called you can still be called back for the final auditions. So we are keeping our fingers crossed and should know within the next couple of months if he made it. There is still a very slim chance he would make it on the show but hey - it's worth trying.


jhoopes said...

Good luck to Matt!! You will definitely have to keep us posted.

Sarah Carlston said...

My mom was on Wheel of Fortune when I was about 5...all I remember is her writing in BIG RED letters to "PICK ME" on a letter she sent in and I guess that worked because she was on the show...maybe you should do the same???? Good luck!

Jerry & Pam said...

Matt, you are awesome!! Good luck -- I'm sure he will make it on personality even if he had to tone it down a bit.

Heidi A said...

That is so fun!! I hope he makes it!