June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday My Friend!

Okay.  This is a test to see if my friend Jill really checks my blog as 
often as she says (even though I don't post that often!)  

So, Happy Birthday Jill!  I hope your day is full of a bunch of nothing.
No sharing time.
No dinner making.
No dishes.
No whiny kids.
No laundry.
No cleaning.
No responsibilities!

Just a nice, relaxing, enjoyable day filled with family and friends who love you!

And of course, GIFTS!  (I'm crossing my fingers for ya!  "Kris, Kris, Kris, Kris!")

Now, what time is it?  PARTY TIME!


jhoopes said...

Thanks, Alisha! :) How sweet. I am happy when you have new posts so keep it up! Thanks for the birthday wishes--I'll keep you posted...

Anna said...

What a sweet thing to do for Jill. I agrree, I hope you got a lot of nothing for your birthday. Isn't that what we all want, nothing!